The media are not toys… they can be entrusted only to new artists, because they are art forms.
(McLuhan, 1954)

Jianbing Company Food Stall
Brooklyn, New York
Partner: Tien Chen
Spring 2017
This food stall examines the street food vendor interface as a design generator. Interaction between kitchen and customer performs as brand identity, architecturally reinforced through framed visual connections and the corner positioning of the cooks. While the cooking space is conventionally separated from the customer interface, this stall aims to celebrate the process of preparing jianbing, a common Chinese streetfood.
Brooklyn, New York
Partner: Tien Chen
Spring 2017
This food stall examines the street food vendor interface as a design generator. Interaction between kitchen and customer performs as brand identity, architecturally reinforced through framed visual connections and the corner positioning of the cooks. While the cooking space is conventionally separated from the customer interface, this stall aims to celebrate the process of preparing jianbing, a common Chinese streetfood.
A typical corner shelving system is pushed and pulled vertically to highlight the performance aspect of the food preparation. Concurrently, the shelving provides accessible storage, while creating a single surface of horizontal rungs for hanging kitchen ware, maximizing usable floor space.